
Lesson Number 10, September 17, 2014

Due For This Class

  • Read The Dao of Web Design. Though this article is 13 years old, it is still considered a "classic" of web design writing and is essential reading for any web designer.
  • Read pages 207 - 224 in your HTML & CSS book.

Lesson Breakdown

  1. What did you think of The Dao of Web Design?
  2. CSS Zen Garden
  3. CSS - Classes and IDs
  4. CSS - Specificity
  5. CSS - Sharing Styles!

In-Class Activity

  1. Open your project-portfolio in Brackets.
  2. Create a new folder and name it css (all lower-case)
  3. Create a new file in that folder and name it "practice.css"
  4. Open your css-practice.html file. Copy and paste the information from BETWEEN the style tags into your practice.css file.
  5. Delete the <style> and </style> tags from your css-practice.html file.
  6. Create a new tag in your <head>.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/practice.css">

(no end-tag needed)

  1. When you have finished, save this and upload it to GitHub.
  2. Let me know when you are done!

If you are finished before the end of class:

  1. Create a new file in your CSS folder and name it style.css
  2. Link this stylesheet to the index of your project portfolio.
  3. If you already have styles in the head of your project portfolio, move them to this new file.
