Web Design Process - Part II

Lesson Number 13, September 24, 2014

Due For This Class

  • Read Clear and Effective Communications in Web Design. This is a long article. I will be talking about it and asking you questions about it in Wednesday's class.
  • Read the chapter I handed out in class. Start thinking about your final project.
  • Create a document (word, text, google docs) that outlines the following
    • An idea of what your final project will be (about 2 sentences)
    • Potential audiences for your final site (at least three audiences)
    • What you want to communicate to each of the audiences

Lesson Breakdown

  1. Discuss Reading
  2. Lecture
  3. Activity (directions in lecture slides).



  • Read Chapter 8 in Learning Web Design (page 133-146)
  • Bring two copies of your resume to class
    • one should be printed
    • the other should be digital (so, the word document / google docs / plain text equivalent of what you printed)