Content & Planning

Lesson Number 22, October 27, 2014

Due For This Class

  • Project #6. Due Monday, October 27, 2014

    • Important Note - part of this project is watching recorded videos about web design and development. Do not leave this until the night before.
  • CodeCademy

  • Start thinking about your content for your final project. We will be planning our final websites and starting to build them in the coming weeks, so while you do not have to submit anything based on these questions right now, it is important to start thinking about them / taking some notes for your own use.

    • What content will you need to have?
    • What content is already created? What will you need to create?
    • Also start considering how you might lay out your content
    • What will your menu items be?
    • What pages will you need?
    • What content will go on each page?
    • How will people navigate through your website?
  • Read the following in White Space is Not Your Enemy. These chapters are short, but will help you immensely as you start to plan out and build your website.

    • Chapter 2, pages 10 - 20
    • Chapter 3, pages 21 - 30
    • Chapter 4, pages 31 - 42
    • Chapter 13, pages 214 - 236

Thinking About Content

During this class, we will be working on planning our final projects.


  • What content will you need to have?
  • What content is already created? What will you need to create?
  • What will your menu items be?
  • What pages will you need?
  • What content will go on each page?
  • How will people navigate through your website?


  • How will your page be laid out?
  • What elements will you have on each page? What elements will be page-specific? (For example - will your homepage have different elements than your inside pages?)


  • Do you need a logo? A main photo? Background images?
  • How will the images you choose support your message?
  • What will your color scheme be? Why? How will you use your colors in a way that supports your message?

Tools to Use

Content Organization & Planning


