Contemporary Design

Lesson Number 25, November 3, 2014

Due For This Class

Content Planning Homework - due Monday, November 3

  • Sitemap

    • Using a sitemap tool (such as or another method that allows you to create a structured chart, create a sitemap for your final project
    • Email this to me, whether as a screenshot, a graphic, or a link to your sitemap online
  • Initial content planning documents (answer the first two sets of questions from Monday's lesson). Email to me as a text document, a link to a Google Document, or a link to an online planning tool.


  • What content will you need to have?
  • What content is already created? What will you need to create?


  • What will your menu items be?
  • What pages will you need?
  • What content will go on each page?
  • How will people navigate through your website?

Responsive Web Design

  1. Flexible Layouts
  2. Media Queries
  3. Flexible Media
  1. Download this zip folder to your computer. Unzip it, and place the files (keep them in the "bootstrap-start" folder) in your project portfolio folder.
  2. Open the included index.html in Brackets.



  • Read Ethan Marcotte's article that introduced responsive web design
  • Read this article about responsive web design.
  • Think about some websites that you visit. Are they responsive? How can you tell?
  • What are some things you see in common with responsive websites? Are there similar design patterns? Do you notice similar ways that navigation works, or that images function? Come prepared to discuss.