Project 00 - Project Portfolio

Due: End of Semester

What You'll Learn

This project will teach you about critically reviewing websites. You'll learn how to format a website review and link to other websites.

What You'll Produce

You will create an HTML5 web page with two website critiques and two hyperlinks.

The websites you choose to critique should not be Flash-heavy, search engines (like Google), or social networking sites (like Facebook).

Critique Requirements

The critique of the websites should include the following information: 1) Name of the website 2) URL of the website (this should link to the website) 3) What is the subject of the site? 4) Content: Is the content relevant to the subject of the site? Too much or not enough content? 5) Navigation: Is it easy to get from one page to another, or one section to another? Does the navigation remain consistent and it is easy to use? 6) Information Architecture: Was certain information where you thought it would be? Or, were you clicking all over the place to find what you were looking for? 7) Visual Design: Do the aesthetic decisions help or hinder the site’s working abilities, not does it look good? 8) Overall Functionality: Does the site work? Can you find what you are looking for, do what you want to do, and does it simply technically work? 9) Overall Experience: Did you get what you wanted from the site?

Technical Stuff:

  • Create a html page called 02critique.html.
  • Format your critique using headings, paragraphs, bold, italics, and other elements as needed
  • Link to each of your websites, launching into a new window (hint - use the target attribute for the link element)
  • Link to this new page from your Project Portfolio index.html


  • Your tags must be lowercase
  • Don’t forget to close your tags, except for <br /> and <hr />
  • Test your links to make sure they work!


When you have completed this project, commit it to your GitHub Project Portfolio repository. Don't forget to add a link to this new page from your index.html page!


Web Design One Columbia College, Chicago, Debra Kayes