Project 1 - Using HTML to Structure Text

Due: Monday, September 8, 2014

What You'll Learn

This project will allow you to practice your newfound HTML skills, add structure to text using HTML elements.

What You'll Produce

You will create an HTML5 web page.


  1. Open this text file which includes the first few pages of Neal Stephenson's In the Beginning was the Command Line.
  2. Copy and paste the content of that file into your text editor.
  3. Save the new file in your "project-portfolio" folder that we created in class.
  4. Save the new file as a .htm or .html file. Name your file 01beginning
  5. Mark up the text so that it is valid HTML. Your document should at minimum include the following elements: html, head, title, body, h1, p, ul, and li.
  6. When finished and opened in a web browser, your page should look somewhat similar to the first few pages of the book in PDF format.

I would encourage you to complete this check-in as you read through the assigned pages of Learning Web Design.


  • Your tags must be lowercase
  • Don’t forget to close your tags, except for <br /> and <hr />
  • Test your links to make sure they work!

Due Date


Bring your computer with the file on it to class.