Project 2 - Web Page with Recipe

Due: Monday, September 15, 2014

What You'll Produce

You will create an HTML5 web page with a recipe.


1) Open this zip file which contains the text and an image for a recipe.

2) Paste the text into an HTML document. Save it in your project-portfolio folder as 02recipe.html

3) Create another folder inside your project-portfolio and name it "images". Move the image from the zip file to this folder.

4) Mark up the text with some of the elements we’ve learned so far. At a minimum you should include headings, paragraphs, lists, images, links. Don't forget your basic structure (doctype, html, head, title, body)

5) Link to this new page from your Project Portfolio index.html

6) Your document should validate.

7) Your work should be synced to GitHub by the start of class on Monday, September 15. If you need to use a lab computer to sync, we will have time for that at beginning of class.

8) I would encourage you to work through this as you revisit the readings from Learning Web Design; markup makes more sense when applied to a specific task.


  • Your tags must be lowercase
  • Don’t forget to close your tags, except for <br /> and <img />
  • Test your links to make sure they work!


When you have completed this project, commit it to your GitHub Project Portfolio repository. Don't forget to add a link to this new page from your index.html page!


Full Credit Partial Credit No Credit
Basic Page Elements Page includes all required structure tags, including Doctype, Head, Title, and Body. All tags are properly opened and closed Page missing more than two of the required structure tags and / or tags are improperly closed Basic structure tags are all missing or improperly closed.
Code syntax / style
  • All tags are closed.
  • Correct syntax of paragraphs, headings, and list items
  • All tags are lowercase
  • All attributes correctly include quote marks
  • Some tags are closed
  • Mostly correct syntax of elements
  • Some tags are lowercase
  • Some attributes include quote marks
  • No tags are closed
  • Fully incorrect syntax of elements
  • No tags are lowercase
  • Missing quote marks for attributes
Code structure
  • Images are correctly included, organized into separate "images" folder
  • Images have "alt" attributes
  • All links work
  • Lists, paragraphs, and headings are used appropriately
  • Images are somewhat correctly included, not organized into images folder
  • Images are missing "alt" attributes
  • Some links work, some are broken.
  • Lists, paragraphs, and headings are used somewhat appropriately
  • Images are broken
  • Images are missing "alt" attributes
  • Links are broken
  • Lists, paragraphs, and headings are used inappropriately / incorrectly
  • Project validates
  • Project finished on time
  • Project uploaded to GitHub
  • Project has some validation errors
  • Project submitted late or not uploaded to GitHub
  • Project has many validation errors
  • Project is never turned in


Tim Lockridge, COM372 Fall 2013