Project 4 - Tables for Data (not for layout!)

Due: Friday October 3, 2014

What You'll Learn

This project will allow you to practice making HTML tables.

Read Me First

  • Chapter 8, Learning Web Design (pg 133-146)


  1. Make a list of five of your favorite movies.
  2. Search for those movies on Box Office Mojo
  3. Create an HTML file (movies.html)
  4. In the HTML file, include a heading that says something like “My Favorite Movies”
  5. Create a table that includes the following data for each of your favorite movies:
*   Movie title
*   Distributor
*   Release date
*   Box Office Gross
*   A link to the source of your data
*   <small>_Note: Be sure to organize your data in a logical manner—alphabetical, highest to lowest gross, newest to oldest, etc. When completed, your table should look something like this:_</small>

Screenshot of table

  1. Link the title of each movie to a trailer for that film
  2. Link the data source to the box office mojo page


When you have completed this project, commit it to your GitHub Project Portfolio repository. Don't forget to add a link to this new page from your index.html page!