Project 5 - Spruce Up Your Resume

Due: Friday, October 17, 2014

What You'll Learn

This project will allow you to practice using web fonts and background images.

Read Me First

  • Read Chapter 13 in your web design book.


  1. You'll be working on your already created HTML resume. If you have not yet formatted your resume as HTML, you must do so to complete this project. The resume should be saved in your project-portfolio as resume.html
  2. Create a new CSS file for your resume (if you do not have one already). Save it in your css folder as resume.css

Your resume should feature

  • Appropriate, semantic markup
  • Thoughtful use of fonts & color via external CSS (View Chapter 12 in your book)
  • A CSS Reset (we've used normalize already in class)
  • A subtle background image (like those at Subtle Patterns) (View Chapter 13 in your book)
  • Margins & padding on elements via % or em values (not px values, with the exception of a container) (View Chapter 14 in your book)
  1. Your HTML and CSS must validate.

To validate your document, copy and paste your HTML code into the HTML validator. Do the same for your CSS code.

Validation helps you see errors in your code. Error messages should tell you the line of the error and will give you information about what the error is. Start with the first error. Once you have fixed an error, recopy and paste your code into the validator and re-validate. Sometimes fixing one error will clear others.

If you are stuck on an error and cannot figure it out, leave a comment in your code that explains this.

Unvalidated code without explaination will result in an automatic deduction of 10 points from your grade.


When you have completed this project, commit it to your GitHub Project Portfolio repository. Don't forget to add a link to this new page from your index.html page!

You must submit code to your Project Portfolio by the start of class on Friday. We will have time at the beginning of class to submit our code. If you do not submit code by the start of class (and have not reached out to me regarding issues), you will receive an automatic deduction of 10 points from your grade.