HTML, File Structure, and your Code Editor

Lesson Number 05, September 5, 2014

Due For This Class

Codeacademy (due 9/5/2014)

  1. Log in to
  2. Select the Web Fundamentals track.
  3. Complete lesson 2 Build Your Own Web Page (note: there are 6 steps to this lesson).
  4. To verify you have completed this lesson take a screenshot of page that clearly shows you have completed the lesson and email it to me (

Brackets (due 9/5/2014)

Download and install Brackets on your computer. This is a program for Mac and PC. We will use this program to write code through the rest of the semester.


(No presentation for this lesson)

Lesson Breakdown

1) File system review

2) Naming conventions for web

3) Referencing images within a folder

4) Brackets - install - setup - live preview - opening a new project - creating files within the project

5) HTML Cheat Sheets

6) Inline and Block Elements


First Project (due Monday, September 8)

Read (due Monday, September 8)

  • Robbins (Learning Web Design), Chapters 4 and 5 (it's a lot of pages, but we have gone over nearly all of this in class.)