Advanced HTML & CSS

Lesson Number 16, October 1, 2014

Due For This Class

  1. Make sure your project-portfolio index.html has the following features:
    • a list of your current projects with links to each of the project pages
    • color squares with your color scheme (review the in-class activity where we built this - I've rewritten it to be easier to follow if you missed it).
  2. When we were writing our color squares, we repeated an awful lot of CSS, didn't we! See if you can make this more modular / less repetative. There are multiple solutions to this problem - please come prepared to share your ideas!
  3. Read Chapter 14 in your Learning Web Design book.


  1. Possible solutions to color squares questions
  2. Measurements in CSS (article link)
  3. The Box Model
  4. CSS Display (article link)


  1. Project #4 will be due on Friday.
  2. Work through the first 13 (Learn CSS Layout lessons (stop after you have read the percent width page).