
Lesson Number 35, December 1, 2014

SEO - Resources

As you develop your web content, you should be aware of how Google and other search engines will find your website. The process of making your website best viewable by Google (and other search engines) is called "Search Engine Optimization", or SEO.

There is a lot to learn when it comes to SEO, more than I could teach you in a single lesson or even in a whole semester. However, we can discover the basics of SEO and how some simple things we do on our websites will help them to become more easily found.

Type in Design

For your final project, I've asked you to create a readable essay coded in HTML and CSS.

What does it mean to be readable? Let's look at some basics of Typography and discover some choices we can make when structuring and styling our content.

Adding Bootstrap to a Page

For your final project, I've asked you to update two of your old projects, using Bootstrap.

To add Bootstrap to an HTML file, you want to add the following lines in your <head>. Add these after your <title>My Title</title> but before any custom styles

<!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<!-- Optional theme -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<!-- Latest compiled and minified JavaScript -->
<script src=""></script>

I got this code from the Bootstrap Website, under 'Getting Started'.


  • Continue working on your final projects! Consider how you can utilize what we have learned in class to make your final websites searchable and readable.

Final Project Info

This is the PDF Document that I emailed with your Final Project information.